Class Begins Wednesday, March 2, 2022
5:45 – 7:45
French 204
Level: intermediate-advanced
Students will review or learn how to talk about vacation activities, tell people to take precautions and avoid dangers, describe weather conditions, shop, buy/mail items, repair/clean items, have your hair cut, ask for services at shops.
You will be able to narrate a sequence of past events, le passé composé, l’imparfait, le passé simple, answer questions, use direct object/ indirect object pronouns and y and en, talk about quantities, describe services done by others.
You will discover historical events and personalities in France from 200 BC to 1715; why French people feel close to their roots, how the French incorporate “tourisme écologique” in their vacation plans, how they feel about their environment, what important work Jacques Cousteau did, and the “culte du soleil”.
À votre tour! Intermediate French, 2nd edition, Valette/Valette,
Houghton Mifflin Company or Wiley
Textbook ISBN-10: 0-618-69315-7