L’hiver des poètes
L’hiver des poètes
Class Begins Tuesday, December 3, 2024 6:00- 8:00 PM VIA ZOOM L’hiver des poètes Cours thématique destiné aux étudiants des niveaux moyen et avancé L’hiver, est peut-être la plus mystérieuse des quatre saisons de l’année. Il inspire autant qu’il inquiète. Triomphante, l’obscurité y défie la lumière. Chacun à sa manière, les poètes l’ont célébré. « Comme la nuit tombe vite/Le…
Les sites et les evenements plus frequentes et les plus insolites de France
Les sites et les evenements plus frequentes et les plus insolites de France
Class Begins Tuesday, November 28, 2023 6:00- 8:00 VIA ZOOM Cette session se propose d’apporter une touche de gaieté à la mélancolie hivernale. Des sites les plus célèbres, comme le château de Versailles, aux lieux les plus discrets, mais ô combien ! insolites, à l’instar de la ville Close de Concarneau, en Bretagne ; des évènements les plus connus à l’image de…
French 101 – Class Full
French 101 – Class Full
French 101 Course begins Monday, September 11, 2023 5:45 – 7:45 In Person THIS COURSE IS NOW FULL. PLEASE EMAIL THE DIRECTOR dirafh@gmail.com to be placed on a waiting list. Level: Beginner This class in an introduction to French class. Students with no previous knowledge of French will be introduced to the language. The course will emphasize learning basic…
French 101
French 101
French 101 Course begins Tuesday, September 6, 2022 5:45 – 7:45 THIS CLASS IS FILLED AT THIS TIME. Please email Linda for additional information. dirafh@gmail.com Level: Beginner This class in an introduction to French class. Students with no previous knowledge of French will be introducBegied to the language. The course will emphasize learning basic vocabulary and grammar and to be…
French 102
French 102
French 102 Begins November 29, 2022 Tuesday Evening In Person Class THIS CLASS IS LIMITED TO 7 STUDENTS. Please email Linda for additional information. dirafh@gmail.com Level: Beginner Materials: Contacts. Valette et Valette. ISBN: 13:978-0-618-39578-1 Contacts Student Activities Manuel. Valette et Valette. ISBN-13: 978-0-618-39580-4 Instructor: Juliana
Series – French Art in Connecticut Museums
Series – French Art in Connecticut Museums
Series French Art in Connecticut Museums The French art series begins Monday, April 3, 2023. This short series is an introduction to French art in Connecticut Museums. Artwork has been chosen from the Wadsworth Atheneum, Yale University Gallery of Art, Hill-Stead Museum and New Britain Museum of American Art. There will be three one-hour and fifteen minute sessions in the…
French 103
French 103
Class begins Tuesday, February 28, 2023. 5:45 – 7:45 Our continuation of basic French language skills will allow you to ask questions, speak in the past tense and the future tense, introduce more verbal forms, and nuances of negation. In addition you will learn to talk about nationality, people, preferences, travel and vacations while examining cultural differences and mores, art,…
French 104 – Class Full
French 104 – Class Full
French 104 Class begins Tuesday, September 5 In Person THIS CLASS IS FULL. PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE TO BE PLACED ON A WAITING LIST. This class is a continuing beginner class that follows the 103. Students will learn expressions with avoir, regular -ir and -re verbs, and will begin the passé composé using avoir and être ,some regular and irregular…
Wine Tasting Series
Wine Tasting Series
French Wine Study and Tasting at Spiritus A fun and delicious four-week seminar visiting the major regions of Bordeaux, Burgundy, the Loire, the Rhone, Provence, and Champagne to study their iconic wines. This class will reveal the grape varietals, geography, climate, terroir and winemaking practices, as well as explain the emblematic aromas and flavors discernible in each region’s wines. We…
French 106
French 106
French 107 Class begins Wednesday, September 6, 2023. 5:45 – 7:45 This course constitutes a revision of and reacquaintance with the grammatical principles presented in the previous 2 years of French study, a furthering of the understanding of French phonology and pronunciation norms, conversational tactics and fluency in everyday situations. After learning how to use in conversation new grammatical concepts,…