75 Charter Oak Avenue, Suite 1-202, Hartford, CT 06106

Upcoming Events

Coffee & Conversation

Conference Center 57 Charter Oak Ave, Hartford, CT, United States

COFFEE AND CONVERSATION AFH CONFERENCE CENTER 57 Charter Oak Hartford, CT Join us on Saturday mornings for coffee and conversation.   Bring a cup of coffee and a breakfast treat and join us for lively conversation. All levels are welcome.  A great way to improve your conversational skills. Thanks to https://coffeegeek.tv/ for the use of their image

Coffee & Conversation

Conference Center 57 Charter Oak Ave, Hartford, CT, United States

COFFEE AND CONVERSATION AFH CONFERENCE CENTER 57 Charter Oak Hartford, CT Join us on Saturday mornings for coffee and conversation.   Bring a cup of coffee and a breakfast treat and join us for lively conversation. All levels are welcome.  A great way to improve your conversational skills. Thanks to https://coffeegeek.tv/ for the use of their image

Turds, Guns, Graves, Rats and Bad Dates: The City of Light in Paris Lost and Found

Event begins at  5pm ET Join author Scott Dominic Carpenter and the Fédération’s Charles Coulon for a lively discussion about Scott's new book, Paris Lost and Found. Reviewed as “the funniest book I’ve ever read that also made me cry” (Secrets of Paris), the memoir captures the City of Light in all its authentic quirkiness. (Conducted in English.) Book description: Paris Lost and Found…

Coffee & Conversation

Conference Center 57 Charter Oak Ave, Hartford, CT, United States

COFFEE AND CONVERSATION AFH CONFERENCE CENTER 57 Charter Oak Hartford, CT Join us on Saturday mornings for coffee and conversation.   Bring a cup of coffee and a breakfast treat and join us for lively conversation. All levels are welcome.  A great way to improve your conversational skills. Thanks to https://coffeegeek.tv/ for the use of their image

One Book One Federation

Chaleur Humaine Serge Joncour   Ceci est un roman total. Entrelaçant l’histoire du monde et une histoire de famille, il embrasse notre présent et nos fautes passées. En quelques semaines, du début du mois de janvier 2020 à la fin du mois de mars, le quotidien d’une famille française va basculer en même temps que l’humanité. Fuyant le confinement urbain,…
