French 101 – Class Full
French 101 – Class Full
French 101 Course begins Monday, September 11, 2023 5:45 – 7:45 In Person THIS COURSE IS NOW FULL. PLEASE EMAIL THE DIRECTOR to be placed on a waiting list. Level: Beginner This class in an introduction to French class. Students with no previous knowledge of French will be introduced to the language. The course will emphasize learning basic…
French 104 – Class Full
French 104 – Class Full
French 104 Class begins Tuesday, September 5 In Person THIS CLASS IS FULL. PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE TO BE PLACED ON A WAITING LIST. This class is a continuing beginner class that follows the 103. Students will learn expressions with avoir, regular -ir and -re verbs, and will begin the passé composé using avoir and être ,some regular and irregular…
French 107
French 107
Course begins Wednesday, September 6, 2023 5:45 – 7:45 French 107 CONTINUING BEGINNER IN PERSON Objectives: This course continues our apprenticeship in the basic grammatical principles of French and furthers our understanding of French vocabulary and pronunciation. We will learn to converse in everyday situations, to express wishes, future plans, and to speak about past events. We will continue our…
French 204
French 204
Intermediate Begins Wednesday, September 6, 2023 6:00 – 8:00 ON ZOOM This course constitutes a revision of and reacquaintance with the grammatical principles presented in the first two years of French study, a furthering of the understanding of French phonology and pronunciation norms, conversational tactics and fluency in everyday situations, the ability to speak in the future, the conditional,…
French 208
French 208
Class Begins Wednesday, September 6, 2023 5:45 – 7:45 French 208 Via Zoom Intermediate-advanced Instructor: Marianne In this class, you will review or learn how to talk about planning a trip, travel in France (travel by train, by plane, etc.) and about young tourists in France and the Michelin guide. You will be able to describe future plans and…
Trésors du Temps
Trésors du Temps
Trésors du Temps Class Begins Monday, September 11, 2023. 6:00 – 8:00 Via Zoom A history of France from the late 18th century to the early 19th century with a special emphasis on the French Revolution and the cultural, social, and artistic upheaval of that era, with special attention to its spectacular legacy of art and architecture. Intended for intermediate…
Les Mots d’amour!
Les Mots d’amour!
Class Begins Tuesday, September 5, 2023 6:00- 8:00 VIA ZOOM Les mots d’amour ! Dans ce contexte « mots » peut également s’entendre « maux » ! Que l’oreille -comme le regard d’ailleurs- est suggestive et évocatrice ! Qu’à cela ne tienne ! Mais en la circonstance, faisons appel à ses facultés sélectives et célébrons plutôt les facettes positives de l’amour. André Gide n’avait-il pas professé que :…